Benefits of Working with Wholesalers

When people have homes to sell in a hurry, they rely on a Realtor to bring them a good buyer, and when realtors cannot make it possible, in enters the real estate wholesalers. But quite often bringing a buyer is not as easy as buying apples from the market. A lot of factors have to be considered in order to make a home sale move according to plan. And when homebuyers don’t have the time to wait until a good buyer pops in, they look for other options. Working with a wholesaler maybe one of your best options.

working with real estate wholesalers

Benefits of Working with Real Estate Wholesalers

Local market research

Integrity Homebuyers begins their day by doing local market research. It helps us find potential leads, track market inventory and look at the competition. We also make it a point to study the price points of all the neighborhoods we operate in, so we remain prepared whenever the demand comes in. That’s why we don’t waste time of our potential clients, namely, homebuyers who would like to get rid of their property and move on.

Branding and Marketing

We are also successful marketers. There are several homebuyers who are looking out for just the kind of homes you have for sale. Our job is to pick such properties, do repairs on them and send them to people.  We spend a lot of time and effort on the crowded real estate marketplace (through both online and offline means) to get to know both the sides of the crowd. The buyers and the sellers. Integrity homebuyers also incorporate several lead generation strategies to ensure the sales go well. And no house stays in the market for long once it is ready for sale. We buy homes for cash, we repair them and then we sell them.

Immediately response to deals

Integrity homebuyers spend a great deal of time crunching numbers. So whenever a seller approaches us with the idea of selling fast, we can name the price without wasting their time. Integrity Homebuyers works with integrity, and constantly monitors the real estate prices in the market for different categories of properties.

Once a seller contacts us, we ensure to give them the most accurate price for their property, considering the repairs to be done to it. The closing will also be much faster, as we are always prepared for sale. We also have a huge team that visits properties to assess their status before sale is made.

As opposed to negotiating with a Realtor, Integrity Homebuyers will help sell your house for free!

We promise No Fees!

No Commissions!

No Obligations!

The deals are mostly done in person, where representatives from Integrity Homebuyers come to view properties. After property assessment, we will name a price after which you can either accept or reject the offer. There is no obligation that you should accept our deal, and we will not charge you for viewing your property. The deal will close within 15 days, if it is acceptable to you.

Have questions? Contact us today


We Buy Houses in Maryland and Washington DC

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